The Suburban Strange Nathan Kotecki Books

The Suburban Strange Nathan Kotecki Books
I heard Nathan Kotecki speak at a local bookstore in NC. I think the best thing I can say about his debut novel is this: I'd already bought the Kindle version when I went to the reading, but I forgot to bring my Kindle; but I got so wrapped up in reading a display hardcover while I was waiting for the author to begin that I ended up purchasing it again.YA is a very, very crowded genre. There's such a glut, that I rarely follow a YA story through to the end, not unless it has more substance than a popular plot. I also want to see quality writing, and an attention to detail, and solid character-building, and consistent and creative world-building. SUBURBAN STRANGE, absolutely, has a depth and weight that most YA novels lack.
I'm not going to recount the plot; others reviews have done that. I just wanted to tick off a couple bullets that stood out for me:
* Some genuinely funny, clever dialog and lines.
* Some beautiful description. (My favorite: "Hearing that music had been like seeing a color she never had seen before, or finding a new room in the house where she had lived for years.")
* Since the novel takes place over a high school year, the author invests a lot of time in slowly developing the central characters. Their individual tastes really stand out -- like Marco's fashion sense, or Celia's knowledge of art, or Brendan's taste in music. Even better, the author is adept at sharing a love for these. I felt that I really learned a little bit more about fashion, and alternative music, and artwork.
* The novel is sort-of a YA Urban Fantasy, if such a genre exists; but the use of magic is sparing, which adds to the sense of wonder when it appears on the page.
* The end of the novel leaves the story wide open for a series, but doesn't end on a cliffhanger --- which I appreciate. And I enjoyed the book enough that I'm looking forward to reading more.
Altogether, an incredibly well-worded and compelling story.

Tags : The Suburban Strange (9780547729961): Nathan Kotecki: Books,Nathan Kotecki,The Suburban Strange,HMH Books for Young Readers,0547729960,Fantasy - General,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Coming of age,High schools,High schools;Fiction.,Paranormal fiction,Schools,Schools;Fiction.,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,Action & Adventure - General,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Family & home stories (Children's Teenage),Fiction,Girls & Women,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Monograph Series, 1st,Mysteries, Espionage, & Detective Stories,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Mysteries & Detective Stories,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION School & Education General,Young Adult Fiction,Young Adult FictionFantasy - General,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionMysteries & Detective Stories,Young Adult FictionSchool & Education - General,supernatural;misfits;high school;secret societies;coming of age;mystery;adventure;16th birthdays;good v. evil;murder,Action & Adventure - General,Girls & Women,Mysteries, Espionage, & Detective Stories,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Mysteries & Detective Stories,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION School & Education General,Young Adult FictionFantasy - General,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionMysteries & Detective Stories,Young Adult FictionSchool & Education - General,Young Adult Fiction,Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Family & home stories (Children's Teenage)
The Suburban Strange Nathan Kotecki Books Reviews
The Suburban Strange is going to be a fantastic series - the first book has me hooked to Celia's life and I NEED to know what happens next. The first book follows her first year at Suburban High and her adjustment to living as a member of the elite clique The Rosary. It's the first time she's felt included and important and she hopes to make a whole new life for herself.
She does that and then some. Learning about the Kind and Unkind and finding out it's all true and part of her life. It's not just part of her life, it's threatening to take her life. When the time comes for the curse to find her she needs to make a very tough choice.
Celia's group, The Rosary, seemed to have the potential to be a bad influence at first. But you quickly discover that they are true friends for her. They introduce her to music, art, and literature that blows her mind (in a good way). There is actually a playlist in the back of the book that I will be checking out this weekend. Her cultural horizons expands as does her self-confidence. Now they aren't perfect by any means, but they were amazing friends throughout the story. She has a couple other friends outside this close knit group and they all play very important roles in the story as well - sometimes even more important than The Rosary.
The story itself unfolds in a way that makes you keep reading. There was no "down time" just times where it slowed down to an easy jog so you could catch your breathe. I did figure out who the bad guy was early on, and it made me want to scream at Celia a few times for not seeing things that seemed obvious to a reader. Nathan Kotecki isn't afrad to shock you a little or make you feel. There are a lot of highs and some very deep lows in the story that only made it more enjoyable and easy to fall in love with all the characters
Super book, very well written. Recommend it as a good read. Super up and coming author.would recommend anything he writes.
Having actually read the book, I thought it was an intelligent piece. The author takes his time with character development and broaches realistic issues. The reader does have to commit to reading the book in order to be entranced by the story. The paranormal storyline is established (and very intriguing I might add), but does not overwhelm the arc of the character, instead complimenting it. The author is able to invoke both visual and audio senses in the book without describing every leaf on every tree and every blade of grass. He paints a strong picture of an intelligent and pretentious group of kids that decide to take the main character, Celia, under their wing. Celia proceeds to undergo a self actualized, thoughtful journey of building the person she wants to be. She is a strong, yet realistic female character who shows individuality, compassion, as well as the usual teenage doubts, while reconciling her place in the group and in her life in general. It is refreshing to see an author who will deal with some of the themes that teens face from a dynamic and positive POV (think anti-Bella), while still drawing up the intrinsic teen drama. Finally, it is just a clever story with interesting characters. I can't wait to read the next novel.
The tone of the story is compelling and I liked the beginning a lot. However, the plot is a bit thin toward the end and I don't think the book lives up to its initial promise. I think this novel works best when it's hinting at a mystery and building tension. Unfortunately, the mystery never quite pays off, and the book lacks the payoff I was hoping for.
Kotecki can definitely write, and he does a good job of creating compelling characters. I would read something else by this author, because the early part of the book was good. But I hope future books end as strong as they begin.
I loved this book. The writing is strong, and I really enjoyed both the literary references and the references to awesome goth songs. The story is really interesting..It's a great read! I also recommend the sequel Pull Down the Night. I only wish Kotecki was able to complete the series.
I heard Nathan Kotecki speak at a local bookstore in NC. I think the best thing I can say about his debut novel is this I'd already bought the version when I went to the reading, but I forgot to bring my ; but I got so wrapped up in reading a display hardcover while I was waiting for the author to begin that I ended up purchasing it again.
YA is a very, very crowded genre. There's such a glut, that I rarely follow a YA story through to the end, not unless it has more substance than a popular plot. I also want to see quality writing, and an attention to detail, and solid character-building, and consistent and creative world-building. SUBURBAN STRANGE, absolutely, has a depth and weight that most YA novels lack.
I'm not going to recount the plot; others reviews have done that. I just wanted to tick off a couple bullets that stood out for me
* Some genuinely funny, clever dialog and lines.
* Some beautiful description. (My favorite "Hearing that music had been like seeing a color she never had seen before, or finding a new room in the house where she had lived for years.")
* Since the novel takes place over a high school year, the author invests a lot of time in slowly developing the central characters. Their individual tastes really stand out -- like Marco's fashion sense, or Celia's knowledge of art, or Brendan's taste in music. Even better, the author is adept at sharing a love for these. I felt that I really learned a little bit more about fashion, and alternative music, and artwork.
* The novel is sort-of a YA Urban Fantasy, if such a genre exists; but the use of magic is sparing, which adds to the sense of wonder when it appears on the page.
* The end of the novel leaves the story wide open for a series, but doesn't end on a cliffhanger --- which I appreciate. And I enjoyed the book enough that I'm looking forward to reading more.
Altogether, an incredibly well-worded and compelling story.

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